The mortar and pestle is a popular tool in the Lao kitchen. The Lao words for it is Koak and Sakk. This is basically, your grinder, food processor and pulverizer all in one! It is slightly larger than the ones you may find in American kitchens. The Lao cook will use this tool to smash the herbs and ingredients, bringing out the natural flavors and oils.
It is commonly made out of fired clay, with a wooden pestle. It is used in making jaeow (dipping sauces), thum marg hoong, and other sauces.
The Lao mortar and pestle is so useful and well designed. My set is cherished in the kitchen.
Thanks for your comment, I used it daily, I can’t imagine cooking without it.
I have a used set of “Koak and Sakk” that mom gave me.. She had it for very long time, but too bad I don’t use it enough. I need to learn how to cook lao dishes from Chef Seng.
Chef Seng, if I may… I like to request a topic or dish you can write about.. I want to perfect my lao dish of “Orr or Orr Larm” on my crock pot(slow cooker). So please write a blog on your version of Orr.
Thanks for your comment,Koak and Sakk tell many stories.